construction as expression of atmosphere

Currently there is a very exciting construction site at Viennas main shopping street "Mariahilferstraße".
It has been a dishware shop for a long time & closed back in 2012, I think. Over 4000 squaremeters of usable space have been shut down for years - until now. Earlier in June the construction phase began and the workers startet to tear off the massive fassade and freed basically the whole construction from all the unnecessary decorative elements. The intermediary results are currently the building core + pillars carrying a beautiful ribbed ceiling, multiplied over three floors. I was lucky enough, that while I was taking pictures from the outside, the bosnian - speaking workers asked themselves in their mother tongue what I was doing. After replying in the same language - they were so kind and let me in for 5 minutes to take close-ups, like this little beauty on the top of the post. Unfortunetly they were not allowed to tell me, which upcoming function the space is going to have. But I am looking foward to it!