a church by the lake

the decision has been made! This Summer I'm going to wrap it up with my bachelor-thesis; a church by the sea - or more specific "a church for the Seestadt Aspern" - which is one of the biggest urban development areas in Europe, containing a synthetic lake in its center.
The church, as included in the Greek term ekklesia, stands for a local community. A term that is very important in the planning of the seaside town of Aspern. But can a sacred building still present this congregation in visible form, and almost as a counterpart of the emptiness which the lake retains in the center, lend the new city a spiritual point of reference?
The constructive expression, especially the physical contribution to the control of the effect of spatial emptiness, is a special focus. The church in the sacred, social and architectural aspect is going to be reconsidered from the ground up.
I am very excited about this quite complex and sensible topic, which offers a interesting task. Since religion & theology are very often (and especially now even politically) being discussed, this project could reach a totally different level of understanding the social environment and what the idea of god means the the society of the 21st century. My Mentor for this is going to be Ivica Brnic, Architect and Part of the Institute of construction and design 1 of the TU Wien. Assisted by Sinan Korjenic, Senior Scientist at the Institute of structual engineering at TU Wien.